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A Natural Approach to Weight Management and Overall Wellness

BlenFlaxfit Fatburn Blend can be consumed as a starter or soup or rasam. This specially formulated blend designed to help you achieve your weight loss management goals and improve your body's natural functions.

It's formulated with a blend of ingredients that may offer a range of benefits:

Here's what Flaxfit can do for you:

  • Promote Weight Loss: Flaxfit helps to dissolve unwanted fat and aid in weight loss.
  • Support Liver Health: The blend contributes to a healthy liver by aiding in detoxification and improving function.
  • Enhance Cardiovascular Health: Flaxfit may help clear blockages in arteries and improve cardiac health.
  • Promote Kidney Function: It can support healthy kidney function.
  • Maintain Overall Well-being: Treat loss of appetite, and address cysts. Flaxfit may help prevent the growth of tumors and cysts. Additionally, it may help lower high blood pressure.

How to Use Flaxfit:

For best results, consume Flaxfit on an empty stomach or before a meal daily. Here's the simple steps:

  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of Flaxfit into a mug.
  • Add 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic (optional).
  • Pour a cup of boiling water into the mug.
  • Stir the mixture well.
  • Let it sit for 3-5 minutes before consuming.

Embrace a healthier you with Flaxfit, a natural blend for a balanced and vibrant life!

Bioactive ingredients: Horse Gram, Flax Seeds, Toordal, Black Pepper, Anise, Gooseberry, Turmeric, Fenugreek, Curry leaves, Rock Salt.

Flaxfit Fatburn Blend

100g: Small
200g: Large
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