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This balm is prepared Sor external application from formulas given by ancient medical Yogis, under the strict supervision of highly trained Ayurvedic Physicians.

Usage: Headaches, Colds, Chest and Coughs could be relieved instantly. Add a little of this balm to hot water and inhale the medicinal vapor. Then apply the balm to forehead, upper nose, throat, chest and back. For Rheumatic and muscular pains, sprains, Cramps, etc., apply a little of this on the affected areas and rub well.

Caution: Keep-out of reach of children. Do not use for children under two years and should not be allowed to inhale Balm Vapor. Do not apply on tender parts like eyes, nostrils, lips etc., or if there are signs of allergy.

Mangalapathy Pain Balm

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